Thursday, December 18, 2008

LETTERS FROM STEVO: Consider this your Christmas Card!

In the festive spirit of this time of year we would like to wish everyone who laboriously reads this blog merry Christmas and happy holidays! May your flimsy New Year's resolutions sputter out and die a quick death! 2008 was a great year in the Busch family! It was a great year for you too in that you have been blessed exceedingly with the birth of "LETTERS FROM STEVO". Amy and I would now like to submit to you our "brag letter" because YOU need to know just how awesome WE are!

Peyton- Let's see, he turned 3 this year...and um...hmmm...destroyed a few things, had a few THOUSAND temper tantrums and FINALLY learned to read, write and sing opera (for those of you who have heard his screams!)...sheesh it's about time, we thought he'd never learn! He says and does the most adorable things. Recent memorable quotes have included such priceless gems as, "NO!" and "AHHHH!" (with a stomp of his foot)...he's so coordinated! He's also dabbling in body building and floral work.

Mya- Turned 5 this year and now knows everything, just ask her. She is currently studying, Chinese, Spanish and algebra in her kindergarten class. She is so smart...I'll bet her IQ is astronomical! For those of you who know Mya, her real passion is sports and athleticism! She loves running...she starred on her soccer team this fall...she earned the moniker, "The Anchor". She runs so fast, it doesn't look like she's even moving! And did we mention dancing? She participated in a strenuous interpetive dance competition. She has two trophies thus far! Way to go Mya!

Amy- Where to start on Amy...hmmm. She continued her readings. Books she completed this year included, "The Catcher and the Rye", The Magna Carta and "Wealth of Nations". Amy has had the opportunity to serve in church as enrichment coordinator this year and is thankful that so many women were enriched by her coordination. Other eventful activities this year included going to Las Vegas to scrapbook, celebrating her "dirty thirty" and charity work which involved rescuing wounded barbie dolls. Amy had a great year with IBM as well...she is seriously the BEST salesperson in the world!

Stevo- After almost 4 years at Avis Budget Group, Stevo was told he was so good it was time to "retire" and was handed a small check as a token of the company's appreciation. However, his personality and skills are in such high demand, he was recruited and paid a large sign on bonus to work for some company in Golden. Stevo has put aside his passion for football and taken an interest in the incredible sport of trampoline dodgeball...he's so light on his feet, teamates call him "twinkle toes" and "noodle" for his great flexibility. Stevo has also become leader of his Sunday afternoon Bible study group. Memorable events included watching the Vols become Gator bait and seeing Metallica with his "entourage".

We look forward to a great 2009! Future "LETTERS FROM STEVO" topics may or may not include, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, bio-chemistry and the sweet sounds of sea shells by the sea shore...We'll see you evolved amoebas next year!


Gorge Us Family said...

Wonderful brag letter. I especially love Amy's hand placement in the pic, quite the engagement shot.

I'd definitely say the highlight was Las Vegas scrappin.

The Ravsten's said...

HIlarious. So glad that I was caught up on your life. So many things I didn't know! I thought we were friends!

CraigT said...

It definitely is a labor of love reading your blog blah, blah, blah. A greater labor of love is believing half the **#*# you write. I was happy to be part of your "entourage" and look forward to many more (next time we're in the pit). Feliz Navidad.
ps I sure love you guys!

Unknown said...

Hey, can I get in on the trampoline dodgeball? That sounds like a great way to get out some aggression.

Thanks for the letter - you've given us plenty to feel bad about and aspire to.

Nataluscious said...

Um, ok that last comment was from me but apparently I was signed in under my sister's gnome's email addy. It's a long story.