Yes, that is Peyton beaming and blushing with the Broncos Cheerleaders. He also managed to give them a kiss on the cheek! I've got to hand it to him, the boy has got some game! We were able to attend a Broncos family day at Mile High stadium (that's right! I said Mile High, not Invesco!) The festivities included three of my favorite things: food, football and! There were lots of games and BBQ sponsored by Brother's BBQ. And best of was free. If it's free it's for ME! The kids got lots of free gear and got to meet Miles the Broncos mascot. I wanted to get a picture with the cheerleaders but I figured that would increase their suspicion that I'm just some dirty old man. I imagined them reciting some sort of "code of conduct" that discussed a "zero tolerance" policy in regards to "sexual harassement of any kind" and "creating a hostile work environment" which would result in my immediate expulsion from the peremesis. So I basically refrained from even giving them eye contact. Such are the personal battles within me! I am not a dirty old man! Not yet anyway...wait 'til I'm about 50ish. Peyton, on the other hand, can pull off the, "look at me! I'm cute and innocent!" act until he's a pre-teen at least.
Now for my analysis on the "chip & dip" poll. Based on the sampling, which is completely statistically insignificant, I have come to the conclusion that a variety of people read this blog! Perceptive, I know... Those who may have answered that they did in fact throw chip & dip benders are acknowledging that they were perceived to be really cool in junior high. I'm sure many pre-pubescent, voice-cracking, physically awkward, orthodontia faced colleagues attended. For those who anwered that they did not because they weren't cool enough...well, they were probably right. And thinking back on junior high...that probably isn't a bad thing! I count myself in this category with pride! For those who wanted to, but their parents thought chip & dip benders to be of the devil...all I can say is, your parents probably sucked majorly. It is my humble prayer that you didn't turn out as lame as your folks! And finally, for those who threw this party of potato chip & dip deliciousness, but no one showed up except your grandparents...all I can say is, your grandparents were probably a lot cooler than you and showed up to your party out of pity. In summary, let me just state for the record that there was no right answer to this poll because it is impossible to be cool in junior high. There are two types of junior high kids, those who tried to be cool and those who knew it wasn't going to happen no matter how hard they, or anyone else for that matter, tried!